Friday, August 7, 2009


Well YES it is totally awesome to have your designs published in leaflets, books & offered online; BUT do you know what is even better?!? My daughter, Kelly, asking me to make her an afghan. Let me explain ~ Kelly is in the army stationed at Fort Rucker, AL. She is an air traffic controller, working in the tower & telling the "big birds" what to do. She spends her time directing the helicopter pilots. She works long, hard hours as do her peers...& this mom couldn't be more proud of her!!!
As hot as it is in Alabama in August; Kelly has asked me to make her an afghan. (By the time this is finished it will probably not be so hot). Everyone could use a loving hug from their mom ~ even though it's many miles away! For me this is no ordinary project. I spent many hours & days trying to find "just the perfect" afghan pattern to suit Kelly. Yesterday I finally narrowed it down to 3 patterns & set off to A.C. Moore for the yarn. After fiddling around...this is the design I'm using. As usual, I will probably change up the pattern for the joining & border.
This project is very close to my heart & I have a feeling it will be loved & cherished by Kelly for many years to come (even long after I'm gone). It will have to suffice for a big bear hug until she returns home for a visit at the end of the year.

Happy Stitchin'


Wendy said...

Hi, Karen!
Your chosen Afghan is beatiful! And the squares look very interesting. Any chance of letting me know the name or of letting me have a copy of the pattern?
Wendy in Caracas - VENEZUELA

Aim said...

Karen, I think your project for your daughter is the best story I've heard in a long time. Such a sweet reason to go to work with yarn! I love the project photo you have already posted, and can't wait to see the next installment!

Debbie said...

I love the pattern you picked! Your daughter will have many years of comfort and warmth from it. Can you tell me where you found the pattern?
just2debbie2000 at yahoo dot com.

Nancy said...

Gorgeous, Karen!! So is your sweater in the new book!! But then again, you always do beautiful work.

Unknown said...

I love the square! What publication is the pattern in?

Suzanne said...

Gorgeous pattern! I'm sure all the love you'll add to it will warm her all the way to her heart. Enjoy the process!

Karen said...

Beautiful daughter -- beautiful afghan! Love your new design -- will be looking for the book.

Rondi said...

The afghan pattern you have chosen is beautiful - and highest regards to Kelly for serving her Country. I made my son a heavy afghan for the cold nights when he was stationed in Iraq. Everywhere he took the afghan, other soldiers, customs agents, barracks inspectors, told him "Someone must really love you." I'm sure Kelly will cherish her afghan forever.

Anonymous said...

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