Friday, October 17, 2008


It is absolutely beautiful around here this time of year! The sky is a deep shade of blue in sharp contrast with the different jewel toned leaves - autumn in all its glory.

This is the beautiful site I saw this morning while Tootie & I were going for a walk. It is also a great inspiration for a new design project! (mental note)

So while the squirrels are gathering their nuts to store for the long winter ahead, this "hooker" is gathering up her yarn & supplies & thinking of what yarn will go with what design for the long winter ahead. After all - hibernation isn't that bad when you have a wonderful husband, a warm cuddly dog & a basket of yarn to keep you company...Oh & of course a lot of walks too in between the flurry of falling leaves & snowflakes...

I've been working on designs more than personal projects, so the only picture I can show of my stitching is a scarf that I made with a few random skeins of Beadnik. (Everything else is a surprise)...

Happy Stitching!!!

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